A Hidden Gem

Dear Reader,This is the second day of “All Over the Map” and the first of 3 days from a hidden gem south of the Hat (Medicine Hat). If you promise not to tell tour companies the location, I would be happy to share it with … Continue readingA Hidden Gem

Guess Where

Day 1 of 4Mmm, where was I Sunday morning after waking up at 3:47? After the water tower, I found a new road. Actually calling it a road is giving it more credit than it’s due, but it did have a signpost and therefore it … Continue readingGuess Where

So Much To Say

Dear Reader (2019-05-12), It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. It was a time of successes.  It was a time of pain. At long last, spring returned, and the new back deck was open again.  April and I went galivanting … Continue readingSo Much To Say

Happy Friday

Friday AMA new addition to the Thin Line series, which has been updated accordingly, always puts a smile on my face. This morning on the way back from a location which hasn’t worked yet, I found the one below. I had driven by this location … Continue readingHappy Friday

Clean Up 20190430

Dear Reader (2019-04-30), There are 3 images from today that are from all over the map, but they do all come from Friday’s drive. The first image was originally shown, slightly edited, as 6 tiles on Instragram (@artspud80). Cheers, Sean


Dear Reader (2019-04-29) In Saturday’s post I mentioned I had been on a country drive.  The town of Swalwell has no services.  It does though have a recently renovated community centre, a Railway Avenue, and a number of residents living a prairie life.  As I … Continue readingSwalwell