Antarctica – 01

05-LIvingston Island

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Cheers, Sean

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2 Replies to “Antarctica – 01”

  1. 1- Shocked! There I was, desolate at not getting any penguins for a while, and then I look at the first photo. Penguins! Yay! And some ship in the background for those that care about such things.
    2- I would like to believe there is someone who’s job it is to count everybody that leaves the ship, and everyone that comes back, and ensures the numbers match. I am looking at the crane and thinking about pirates swinging on board, or the eager photographers sliding down the wire to get the good spot in the boat. Those photographers you know…
    3 to 8, Absolutely lovely! I hope you do a book of these.
    9- I am minded of the Neil tours, and me heading off in the opposite direction.
    12- This could almost be an abstract. Or a volcano.

    1. Thank you for visiting and I always enjoy reading your comments. Regarding the counting of passengers, every time you exit the ship, there is someone who scans your magic ship card. That same card is scanned when you board again. It has all gone digital I am afraid.

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