Dear Reader (2025-02-02),
In today’s post you and I complete the transition from land to sea by wandering (without defined purpose or destination) in and around Ushuaia, Argentina. “Ushuaia is the capital of Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur Province, Argentina. With a population of 82,615 and a location below the 54th parallel south latitude, Ushuaia claims the title of world’s southernmost city.” (1) I was in Ushuaia for a little less than two full days after flying from El Calafate, and before joining Offbeat, Intrepid (tour company), and embarking on the ship Ocean Endeavour.
And so the Patagonia walks and wanders end, and the Antarctic Expedition begins.
~ 1 – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ushuaia
Notes on Photos
~ 1,2 – I walked up to the edge of a glacier and looked down onto Ushuaia and towards the Beagle Channel.
~ 3 – One wander took me along a closed causeway towards a military base. Near that base a pair of tethered horses lazily foraged.
~ 7 – Installing Christmas lights
~ 10 – Ocean Endeavour had not yet arrived in port, and is considerably smaller than the large luxurious ships that were in port when this image was captured.
~ 11 – Looking back towards Ushuaia as our expedition begins
~ 12 – Looking towards the Beagle Channel

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Cheers, Sean
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1- That looks so cold and inhospitable.
4, 5, 6- I love me a nice mural.
10- I hope that ship in the foreground is not one of the “large, luxurious ships”. Wait, just noticed the ones in the background.
11- Quite a pretty view.
12- Looking at this, and thinking about the people that first navigated these waters in fragile wooden boats, gives me a better appreciation for what they went through. Wooden ships and iron men indeed.