Dear Reader (2025-01-19)
The W Trek is shaped roughly like a flat-bottomed W. I walked the route from the W’s right side to its left side (east to west). In today’s post you and I will walk the relatively short distance from the bottom of the left leg to the top of that same leg.
Notes on Photos
~ 1 – For a sense of scale, the distance from my location here, to a lookout where the 4th image was captured and back to my night’s accommodation (circled location – center right) is over 3 hours. This image also illustrates the idea that just because I can’t see the trail, doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist. Oh, and the route is not along the lakeshore.
~ 1,2,3 – You and I are looking at a finger of the Southern Patagonian Field where it meets Lago Grey.
~ 1, 2, 3, 4 – Furthest, Far and Far, Closest
~ 5 – A slowly disintegrating iceberg in Lago Grey
~ 6 – If a bird goes to the trouble of getting ready for its closeup I will oblige
~ 7, 8 – Changeable weather
Distance 12k ish, Elevation Gain and Loss yes, point to point.

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Cheers, Sean
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1- I had gone straight to the photos without reading the text, and wondered what the heck that circle was. Eventually I went back to the text.
3- Looks cold. Love the translucent quality of that little berg in the foreground.
4- A study in texture.
6- I, too, will take a photo of a bird if it poses nice.
7- Love the clouds! Normally you only get that sort of cure in a really wide panorama.
8- Just lovely!
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