Dear Reader (2025-01-17),
In today’s post you and I walk to a glacier lookout, past an unusable old bridge and over a very serviceable new bridge, and through an area that was ravaged by fire in 2011. My love affair with the trees and mountains of Patagonia continues.
Yesterday I waited until I was good and damp before putting on my rain gear. Today I was too lazy to put on rain pants, and didn’t really need them. The wind is constant here except in the forest, and therefore clothes dry very quickly even under grey skies.
On a side note, within this block of posts, there is a new entry in the series once every second dayish.
Distance 15k ish, Elevation Gain and Loss yes, point to point.

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Cheers, Sean
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1- The textures make this photo sing.
2- I like the one tree against the elements. I always imagine the tree doing a Don LaFontaine monologue about the trials and tribulations it endures, and what it dreams of.
3- Trees and wind make for interesting shapes.
5- More people. I wonder how many of them ignore the “do not” signs.
6. This is nice! Shapes and textures are all working together to lead my eye around.
7- Pre-Columbian art! Channeling Jack from Romancing the Stone.
8- Safer, of course, but much less interesting.
10- I periodically try these tree shapes against the background, and they typically do not turn out as well as this.
12- I’m just guessing you tried this in B&W? It’s dramatic yet mysterious.
Thank you for visiting and commenting.
02 – Yes trees talk. But are they eeyores or stoics?
12 – Oddly enough, I didn’t try this in b&w because I really wanted the warmth of the light coming in from the left side of the image.