Dear Reader (2024-03-25),
Today you and I continue exploring Uzbekistan, primarily around Samarkand, with a little bit of many things. This collection is in preparation for a visit to Bukhara. Up to now I have been confident of labelling photos with their correct places. Today though, through an unknown number of mistakes and negligence on my part I am not sure that the last two photos in this post are actually from the Amir Temur (Gur-Emir) Mausoleum. To my readers who shared this grand adventure with me, if you know different, please let me know.
Now I get a little confused on who is buried here. From my little bit of sleuthing, I believe that “the Gur Emir (ed. mausoleum) was built in the southwestern part of Samarkand at the beginning of the XV century. This majestic complex consisted of a khanaka, the madrasah of Muhammad Sultan – grandson of Amir Timur, and, later, tombs of Amir Timur himself and his descendants. “ [1]
“A khanaka is a Muslim hospice also usually serving as a dwelling for Sufi dervishes and as a center for the propagation of Sufism. The design of the khanaka was derived from the cells of Buddhist and Manichaean hermits. Khanakas eventually consisted of several buildings, sometimes arranged as those in a monastery, including cells, a mosque, a hall for the reading of the Koran, and the tomb of a patron.” [2]
Notes on Photos
~ 01 – Some historical sites have had little to no preservation activity. This one looked more like a mountain bike playground than a historical site. I loved the umbrella.
~ 02,03 – Unknown people posing (not for me) at The Registan (see Five Stans 22)
~ 04 to 07 – On the road to Bukhara
~ 08 to 15 – Amir Temur (Gur-Emir) Mausoleum
~ 16, 17 – Maybe or maybe not Amir Temur (Gur-Emir) Mausoleum
~ [1] – quoted from https://www.advantour.com/uzbekistan/samarkand/gur-emir.htm
~ [2] – quoted from https://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Khanaka
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As always, all comments are welcome and sought.
Cheers, Sean
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1. I think I would want a white umbrella in that sun. Plus a hat. Plus sunscreen.
2, 3. I like photos of people who are posing for someone else.
5. That looks like a wonderful spot to have some mint tea and a snack.
7. I am imagining this as a fancy distance marker, or a directions way point.
The rest. Once again I’m stunned by the workmanship and effort put into such places.
Thank you kindly, as always, Keith for visiting and your commenting, especially this time as you waded through a cascade of images. I always find your comments interesting. It is also interesting to see and hear which images generate a reaction. Some images I know are very good and they generate a response. Other times, an image that may have nearly been edited out also gets a positive reaction.
Hi Sean,
Daryl here.
I have gone through my snaps (as opposed to your photographs) of our trip and also searched through two souvenir guide books that I purchased ; ‘Samarkand The City and the Legends’ and ‘Historical Monuments of Uzbekistan’ but I’m afraid I cannot help you with a positive identification of your two doubtful Amir Temur shots. Not surprising as I am the worlds worst record keeper and rely on Apple and Google for most of my photo info.
Judy and I are enjoying your posts. At times it seems like it was ages ago and yet other times it seems like only yesterday we were travelling through the “Stans’. Your posts are reminding us of the enjoyment and wonderful sights we encountered. Keep it up.
Thank you Daryl for your research, for visiting, and commenting. I am glad you and Judy are enjoying the journey for the second time. Be thankful you are not seeing the thousands of images I captured that are absolute dreck :). Cheers