Dear Reader (Thursday, 2022-09-29),
In 2020 I walked over 30 trails in the Canadian Rockies that were reported on in a series of blog posts. Those posts evolved into an ebook, which eventually became a small run (< 10) printed book. For this project, I am being a little more cognizant of my publication destination. Eventually, there will be a small run printed book. But before we get there, I need a draft or first pass, and that is where is this series of posts comes in. Over the coming weeks (which has now turned into months) I will be presenting a series of posts based on my most recent walk. Beginning in August 2022, I walked from the southern shore of Lake Geneva to the French Riviera on the Mediterranean coast. This was followed by brief visits to Amsterdam and England, to see friends and family.
Before we begin, a little bit of housekeeping is in order.
~ All posts in this series will have a link back to this page for the Table of Contents (ToC)
~ My journal entries are often only fragments of ideas, incomplete and garbled phrases, and therefore, where I have included them, you get them in their edited form.
~ The previous White over Red 01 post has been relabelled “White Over Red 00 – Teaser”. In these first posts some of the images from that teaser will re-appear.
~ If you are looking for a guide on how to do this walk, there are some excellent resources out there (this isn’t one of them), in many languages. I only read English, and I found the works of Paddy Dillion (book: The GR 5 Trail) and David May (website: very helpful in the planning phase. I had a copy of Dillon’s book on my phone, and I’ll talk more about his book along the way.
Table of Contents
Title | Release Date | Status |
White Over Red 00 – Teaser | 2022-08-14 | Released |
Forward and ToC (This Page) | 2022-09-29 | Released |
White Over Red 02 – Arrival | 2022-10-01 | Released |
White Over Red 03 – Beginning | 2022-10-10 | Released |
White Over Red 04 – Interlude | 2023-04-05 | Released |
White Over Red 05 – Complication | 2023-04-06 | Released |
White Over Red 06 – Madness | WIP |
You are welcome to share a link to this page with others.
As always, all comments are welcome and sought.
Cheers, Sean
My note on privacy can be found under the “About” menu item, and if you would like to subscribe to this blog please enter your email.
All rights for all material on any media reserved – © Sean P Drysdale 2017-2025
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