Dear Reader (2025-02-13),
In today’s post you and I join a trio of arctic terns and a penguin, and stare into the abyss. Some find the abyss disturbing. Others find it comforting. I conclude as I have thought before that the abyss, like nature (1) is indifferent. As I gaze into the abyss, time vanishes, and I am cloaked in a gossamer blanket of calm.
I am also grateful once again for the privilege of experiencing such a superlative laden corner of the world. Speaking of corners of the world, rumour had it that there was a passenger on board the ship that believed the earth is flat. I have no idea how loud the cognitive dissonances must have been in that person’s head.
~ [1] To my mind nature is different from Gaia, who quite rightly is pissed at humanity, and so she should be.

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Cheers, Sean
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The abyss is totally indifferent. It is beyond humans and humanity. At worst we see ourselves in the abyss. At best we see infinity.
1- What a lovely composition! Ice and frost are almost always more interesting than my ability to photograph them.
3, 4- This is fascinating. The rocky textures above, the smooth sweeping surface almost down to water level, and the hints of submarine texture.
5, 9- Loving the curves and shadows.
10- That one side looks looks almost like reptilian skin. And with a reflection!
12- A nice portrait. Sometimes the shadow is better than more light.