From the Shot List

Dear Reader,

Between my mind and recorded fragments, I have a shot list. Sunday morning, I had plans, and then I saw the fog, crabbed the camera bag and tripod, and drove downtown to the Gas Plus bar to retake a photo. My previous attempt had been a bit of a pig and lipstick story. No matter how much post-processing I did it was still a pig.

Sunday, was a different story. While I was setting up the tripod and doing a couple of test shots, I noticed a man and his belongings off to my right. When he looked as if he was going to cross my path, I asked if he minded if I took his photo. In the first dozen images he was playing to the camera. Those images didn’t work. I am pleased with the one below. I asked our daughter if she preferred the colour of the b&w version. She like the b&w version because it is easier to see the cart in the b&w version. She is right. The colour though initially captivating is actually distracting, and the story get’s missed. I am also pleased because I took this photo with the subject’s permission (I am slowly learning to ask strangers for permission).

The pair of photos is of a scene that I wanted to make sure I captured before the bridge was lost. In the past 2 months I have lost now vanished scenes because I didn’t plan soon enough. I actually like both versions of the image. Do you have a preference?

Cheers, Sean

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4 Replies to “From the Shot List”

  1. We like the coloured bridge vs the BW bridge as the balance of colour in the former is subtle yet interesting.
    As the subject is a bit grim (or bleak) atmospherically, the colour invited us to examine the scape closely.

    1. Thank you for visiting and commenting. It is always a treat to read what you and others have to say.

  2. The B&W version of the bridge for sure. I found all the red off to the one side of the colour version to be distracting. Now if the red had been balanced, that might be different, except then I’d probably not notice the bridge at all.

    I’m not sure what I think of the other shot. Being a photographer, (or so I like to think) I can’t help but think about the mechanics of the shot, in particular what shutter speed to get the subject blur. But that’s me, and most viewers wouldn’t dream of thinking that. But then I start thinking the building is the subject, and the guy is a passerby of no importance to the building.

    The whole permissions thing has me baffled. I’ve seen some street shots and missed the moment, and realized asking permission there’s no way we could recreate it. Asking post facto permission seems gauche somehow.

    1. As always, thank you for visiting and commenting. One of things that pleases me about the shot was that I saw it as a possible outcome from the unfolding moment. As a result I had time to ask for permission. I propose another way of reading the image and that is to read the man and his cart in relation to the building. Cheers, Sean

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